Pink Floyd at Pompeii
( Pink Floyd: Live at Pompeii [1971])

Год 1974
Студия : RCA SelectaVision (Италия)
Режиссер : Адриан Мабен.
Продолжительность : 90 мин.
Звук : DD 2.0
Содержание (Chapters) :
1. Echoes Part I [18:46].
2. Careful with that Axe Eugene [8:55].
3. A Saucerful of Secrets [12:17].
4. A Saucerful of Secrets [12:17].
5. One of These Days [11:22].
6. Mademoiselle Nobs [2:04].
7. Brain Damage [6:56].
8. Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun [12:16].
9. Echoes Part II [14:33]. Counter

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